eCos Configuration Tool

The eCos Configuration Tool was originally written using the Microsoft Foundation Classes (configtool version 1) and ran on Microsoft Windows only. More recently, it was ported to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library (formerly known as wxWindows). Current development is focussed on the wxWidgets port (configtool version 3) exclusively. The version 3 and 2 tools are functionally similar to the version 1 tool but currently lacks the memory layout feature. The latest sources can be built against wxWidgets 2.8.8 (and possibly later releases) using GNU tools for both Microsoft Windows and Linux.
General comments and feedback on the eCos Configuration Tool are always appreciated and should be directed to the ecos-discuss mailing list. Specific bugs should be reported via Bugzilla. Bugzilla may also be interrogated for reported eCos Configuration Tool bugs in both the version shipped with the eCos 3.0 release and the version built from the latest CVS sources.
Downloading snapshots and source code
The eCos host tools which shipped with the eCos 3.0 (and earlier 2.0) public release are known to have problems when run against Cygwin 1.5.10 or later. This problem is described in Bugzilla 1000095. There is a known issue concerning C++ exception handling with Cygwin 1.5.19, Cygwin 1.5.20 and possibly later versions. Unsupported snapshot builds of the host tools which incorporate fixes and workarounds for these issues and others may be downloaded via the following anchors:
- eCos Configuration Tool for Windows 2000 and Windows XP (2010-03-05)
- eCos Configuration Tool for GTK+ 2.x on Linux (2010-03-05)
- ecosconfig command line tool for Windows (2010-03-05)
- UNSTABLE eCos Configuration Tool for Windows Vista (2008-08-13)
The executable files must then be decompressed using the following commands at a bash prompt:
bunzip2 configtool*.bz2 bunzip2 ecosconfig*.bz2
The sources for the eCos Configuration Tool are available via anonymous CVS. When checking out the code, you should specify the ecos-host module in addition to the ecos module. For example:
mkdir ~/cvs cd ~/cvs cvs -z3 -d \ co -P ecos ecos-host
In order to rebuild the eCos Configuration Tool, wxWidgets source code is also required. The 3.0 release version of the tool is built against wxWidgets version 2.8.8. The 2.8.8 sources may be downloaded via one of the following anchors:
- wxGTK-2.8.8.tar.bz2 (for Linux/GTK+)
- (for Windows)
Building for Linux/GTK+
The following instructions assume that you are working at a bash prompt and that the GTK+ and Tcl libraries have been installed from your Linux distribution. First, extract the wxWidgets sources:
mkdir ~/src cd ~/src bunzip2 -c wxGTK-2.8.8.tar.bz2 | tar xf - cd wxGTK-2.8.8
Configure wxWidgets for static linking without socket support, then build and install:
mkdir ~/wx-build cd ~/wx-build $HOME/src/wxGTK-2.8.8/configure --disable-shared \ --disable-sockets --prefix=$HOME/wxGTK-2.8.8 make make install
Configure, build and install the eCos host infrastructure:
mkdir ~/infra-build cd ~/infra-build $HOME/cvs/ecos/host/configure --prefix=$HOME/ecos-tools make make install
Build and install the eCos Configuration Tool (INSTALLDIR must match the eCos host infrastructure prefix):
mkdir ~/configtool-build cd ~/configtool-build make -f ~/cvs/ecos/host/tools/configtool/standalone/wxwin/makefile.gnu \ install WXDIR=$HOME/wxGTK-2.8.8 ECOSSRCDIR=$HOME/cvs/ecos/host \ INSTALLDIR=$HOME/ecos-tools
The eCos Configuration Tool binary should now be located at: ~/ecos-tools/bin/configtool
Building for Windows
The following instructions assume that you are working at a Cygwin bash prompt and that the Cygwin development tools have been installed from the Devel category in the Cygwin installer. First, extract the wxWidgets sources:
mkdir ~/src cd ~/src unzip
Configure wxWidgets for static linking without socket support, then build and install:
mkdir ~/wx-build cd ~/wx-build $HOME/src/wxWindows-2.8.8/configure --disable-shared \ --disable-sockets --prefix=$HOME/wxMSW-2.8.8 make make install
Configure, build and install the eCos host infrastructure:
mkdir ~/infra-build cd ~/infra-build $HOME/cvs/ecos/host/configure --prefix=$HOME/ecos-tools make make install
Build and install the eCos Configuration Tool (INSTALLDIR must match the eCos host infrastructure prefix):
mkdir ~/configtool-build cd ~/configtool-build make -f ~/cvs/ecos/host/tools/configtool/standalone/wxwin/makefile.gnu \ install WXDIR=$HOME/wxMSW-2.8.8 ECOSSRCDIR=$HOME/cvs/ecos/host \ INSTALLDIR=$HOME/ecos-tools
The eCos Configuration Tool binary should now be located at: ~/ecos-tools/bin/configtool.exe