
tcp_write() — Enqueue data for transmission


err_t tcp_write (struct tcp_pcb *pcb , const void *dataptr , u16_t len , u8_t copy );


Enqueues the data pointed to by dataptr. The length of the data is passed in len. The argument copy may be either 0 or 1 and indicates whether the new memory should be allocated for the data to be copied into. If the argument is 0, no new memory should be allocated and the data should only be referenced by pointer.

Return value

The tcp_write() function will fail and return ERR_MEM if the length of the data exceeds the current send buffer size (as defined by the CYGNUM_LWIP_TCP_SND_BUF CDL configuration option) or if the length of the queue of outgoing segment is larger than the upper limit defined by the CYGNUM_LWIP_TCP_SND_QUEUELEN CDL configuration option. The number of bytes available in the output queue can be retrieved with the tcp_sndbuf() function:

u16_t tcp_sndbuf (struct tcp_pcb *pcb );

The proper way to use this function is to call the function with at most tcp_sndbuf() bytes of data. If the function returns ERR_MEM, the application should wait until some of the currently enqueued data has been successfully received by the other host and try again. This can be achieved with a callback function previously provided to tcp_sent().